Abbreviation Used in computer

Computer: Computer is an electronic machine that which be input the data,process the data and output the data. Some following abbreviation Used in computer:-
 AI - Artificial intelligence
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
APL - A Programing Language
BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
CAD - Computer Aided Design
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAN - Campus Area Network
CD - Compact Disk
CL - Command Language
CPU- Central Processing Unit
DAT- Digital Audio Tape
DBMS - Data base management system
DNA - Digital Network Architecture
DTS- Digital Theater System
EPG - Electronic Programing Guide
FAT - File Allocation Table
FDM- Frequency Division Multiplexing
FM - Frequency Modulation
FMS -File Management System
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
GB - Giga Bytes
GIS - Geographical Information System
GPL - General Public License
GUI - Graphical User Interface
HSS - Hierarchical Storage System
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP - Hyper Text Transport Protocol
IP - Internet Protocol
ISP - internet Service Provider
JIT - Just - In - Time
JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
JSP - Java Server Pages
KB -  Kilo Bytes
LAN - Local Area Network
LCD- Liquid Crystal Display
LED- Light Emitting Diode
MAN- Metropolitan Area Network
MB - Mega Bytes
NIC - Network Interface Card
NOS - Network Operating system
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
OMR - Optical Mark Reader
OOP - Object Oriented Programming
OS - Operating System
OSS - Open Source Software
PC -  Personal Computer
PAN - Personal Area Network
PDF - Portable Document Format
RAM - Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPG - Report Program Generator
SD - Secure Digital
SQL - Structured Query Language
TB - Tera Bytes
TCP - Transport Control Protocol
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
USB - Universal Serial Bus
VAN - Value Added  network
VGA - Video Graphics Arry
VDT - Vedio Display Terminal
WAN - Wide Area Network
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
WWW - World Wide Web
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
XHTML - extendible Hypertext Markup Language
XML - eXtensible Markup Language


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