Questions on world geography

Q.1 Dead sea is located between which two countries?

Ans: Jordan and Israel

 Q.2 Which is the longest river in the world?

Ans:Nile River

Q.3 Which is the largest waterfall in the world?

Ans: Victoria falls

Q.4 Which is the world's smallest country? 

And: Vatican city

Q.5 Which is the largest country in the world?


Q.6Which is the tallest Mountain in the world?

Ans: Mount Everest

Q.7Which is the largest island in the world?

Ans: Greenland

Q.8 Which line separates India and China?

Ans:Mac-Mohan line

Q.9 Which is the largest desert in the world?

Ans:Sahara Desert

Q.10Which is the coldest Continent in the world?

Ans: Antarctica


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