Computer and Characteristics of computer
Computer The word "computer" comes from the word "compute", which means, "tty caleulate" Menee, epie 1ually considera computer to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetie oeatioms at high sed Alingh the original objective of inventing a computer was to create a fast calkculatimg devive, we ow define a computer as 4 device that operates upon data becaue more than 80% of work done by today's conputers is tlata proeessiny Data can be anything like bio-data of applicants when computer i% ued for shon isting candilates fr reruiting: TTarks obtained by students in various subjects when uscd for preparing results; details (name, age, se, ete) of passengers when used for mraking airline or railway reservations; or nunbCr of different parameters when ssed fn solving scientific research problems, cte, Notice from the examples that data can he either umerical, on IurTIerical, or a mixture of both. A computer is often referred to as a data processSor b...